Rashmin Purohit, Circle Secretary, AIPE Union Group-C
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Western Union Money Transfer
International money transfer to India
UTI Mutual Funds
Sale of UTI Mutual Funds through post offices
Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority
Point of Presence for National Pension Scheme Accounts
M/s Nirmal Packaging Systems
Sale of Corrugated boxes and Paper board envelops.
M/s Narsingh Dass & Co.
Sale of Tyvek Envelops
Ministry of Railways
Booking/cancellation of Railway Reservation Tickets under PRS Scheme
CBOP( Now merged with HDFC Bank)
Sale/Purchase of foreign exchange
Reliance Money Infrastructure Limited
Sale of Gold Coins
Sale of recharge coupons Sancharnet Cards etc.
India Post SBI tie-up
Department sells assets and liability products of SBI through identified postal outlets.
NABARD-SHG linkage scheme
India Post has entered into a tie-up with NABARD to disburse micro credit to women self help groups (SHGs) on pilot basis.
The Central and State Governments take various measures from time to time to promote and popularize small saving schemes through print and electronic media as well as holding seminars, meetings and providing training to various agencies involved in mobilizing deposits under the schemes. As part of this ongoing exercise, Government has taken following steps to make the small savings schemes more attractive and investor friendly:- -Introduction of Bonus at the rate of 5% on the deposits made under Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) Scheme on or after 8th December, 2007 upon the maturity of the deposit. -The benefit of Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 has been extended to the investments made under 5-Year Post Office Time Deposits Account and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, with effect from 01.04.2007. -With effect from 1.8.2007, the maximum deposit ceilings of Rs.3.00 lakh and Rs.6.00 lakh under the Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) Scheme has been raised to Rs.4.50 lakh and Rs.9.00 lakh in respect of single and joint accounts respectively. -The penalty on pre-mature withdrawal of deposits under the Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) scheme has been rationalized from 3.5% to 2% on withdrawal on or before expiry of three years and 1% on withdrawal after expiry of three years. -All categories of pensioners have been allowed to open and maintain ‘Pension Account’ under Post Office Savings Account Rules, with effect from 11th July, 2007. -The restriction on opening of more than one account during a calendar month under the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme has been removed with effect from 24th May, 2007. -Opening of “Zero deposit/Zero Balance” accounts for workers employed under NREG Act, under Post Office Savings Account Rules, with effect from 26th August 2008. -Opening of “Zero deposit/Zero Balance” accounts for Old Age Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme, Widows Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme and Disabled Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme with effect from 13th October 2009. -National Savings Institute, a subordinate organization under the Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) also maintains its web site i.e nsiindia.gov.in in collaboration with National Informatics Centre to facilitate interface with the public through wider dissemination of information on small savings and on-line registration and settlement of investor’s grievances. This information was given in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha on 6th Dec.2010 by Shri Gurudas K amat, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology.
- At present more than 60% of LSG posts, 70% of HSG II posts and HSG posts in all circles remain unfilled up. As suh seeking options from the existing LSG for Postmaster's cadre will end with futile results. To off shoot the problems, the following is suggested.
(i)Please cause instructions to fill up all vacant LSG,HSG II and HSG I posts either permanently or on adhoc basis and thereafter willingness may be called for among the LSG, HSG II and HSG I officials.
(ii)In case if the same is not possible due to recruitment rules, minimum service etc, the officials in MACP I, II & III may be considered in the initial constitution of the Postmaster cadre.
(iii)It may be ensured that at the initial constitution of Postmaster's cadre, 100% of posts should be filled up among the existing willing officials either on seniorityin LSG or MACP or length of PA service. Thereafter, the element of exmination may be introduced.
2. All LSG officials working Accounts line may be permitted to opt for Postmaster's cadre since they are entitled to work as Postmaster in HSG II & HSG I as per the existing recruitment rules.
3. In the initial constitution of various grades of Postmaster while obtaiing option from the exixting official, the required minimum service should not be insisted since in many cases the promotions to HSG II & HSG I were not accorded in time properly. To cite an example, the adhoc HSG I is continuing over three years by granting extension once in six months.
4. Similarly, 25% earmarked for HSG I in Postmaster Group B shall be filled up with the exixting HSG I officials without insisting the minimum required service in the initial coustitution of the cadre.
5. It is further requested to cause instructions that the opted official shall be given preference in posting in the same division in case of identified posts are available in the diision to avert maximum dislocation in the initial constitution.
Apart from the above, the following improvements may please be considered:
(i) Since the Postmaster Grade I is supervisory post, it should be elevated to Pay Band II with Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-. Similar elevation is required in higher cadre also.
(ii) Since a seperate cadre is carved out, 100% of the Senior Postmasters, and Chief Postmasters posts shall also be filled up only among officials in the Postmaster's cadre only. There is no need for any reservation to other catagories other than the Postmaster's cadre.
It has been requested to arrange a meeting with Staff side to discuss all the points stated above in order to ensure smooth implementation of the scheme, minimize dislocation of staff and more volunteers to the nely carved cadre etc.
Unless the above issues are sorted out at the initial constitution, it will have a perennial loss to the employees which will result in resentment only.
All Divisional Secretaries, senior comrads and members are requested to draw attention of the Circle Secretarty on any point which they find necessary to take up in connection with Postmaster's cadre and Identification of Posts for the purpose. I have also requested Senior Com. K.B.Barot Working President CHQ & Ex.C/S Gujarat to study these orders and give his valuable guidance and suggestions in the matter.
Post your comments also.
Rashmin Purohit C/S AIPEU Group-C Gujarat Circle.
M.9427208408, 9723666696
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training) / Establishment (D)
North Block, New Delhi the 1st November, 2010
Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees - Clarification regarding.
A joint committee is set up to examine the anomalies pertaining to the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M.No.11/1/2010-JCA dated 03-05-2010.
2. During the joint committee meeting it was pointed out by the Staff Side that the word 'new organization' of the last line of para 24 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009 was not in consonance with the spirit of the Scheme. The issue has been examined and it is clarified that in case of transfer 'including unilateral transfer on request, regular service rendered in previous organization / office shall be counted alongwith the regular service in the new organization / office for the purpose of getting financial upgradation under the MACPS. However, financial upgradation under the MACPS shall be allowed in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of revised pay bands as given in CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. Para 24 of MACPS stands amended to this extent.
3. The Staff Side also raised an issue on the 'benchmark' for MACP as given in para 17 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009, which provides that the financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness, in the hierarchy of grade pay within the PB-1. Thereafter for upgradation under the MACPS, the benchmark of 'good' would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600/- in PB-3. The benchmark will be 'Very Good' for financial upgradation to the promotion to the grade pay of Rs.7600 and above. It was pointed out that in some cases the promotion to the next higher grade was made on the basis of 'fitness' as the method of promotion as specified in the relevant recruitment rules, was 'non-selection'. Therefore, such cases benchmarks should not be insisted upon under the MACPS. The issue has been examined and it is clarified that where the financial upgradation under MACPS also happen to be in the promotional grade and benchmark for promotion is lower than the benchmark for granting the benefits under MACPS as mentioned in para 17 ibid, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACP also.
4. All Ministries/Departments may give wide circulation to the contents of this O.M. for general guidance and appropriate action in the matter.
5. Hindi version will follow. Sd/-
(Smita Kumar)Director (Estt-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110003
December 14, 2010
Office Memorandum
Subject: Consolidated guidelines on cadre review of Central Group 'A' Services.
The undersigned is directed to say that provisions governing the process of cadre review of Central Group 'A' Services are contained in various Office Memoranda issued by the Department of Personnel and Training and the Department of Expenditure. As a part of this Department's endeavour to keep the personnel policies relevant to current and future needs, these provisions have been reviewed in consultation with various stakeholders and it has been decided to issue a consolidated and revised set of guidelines on cadre review. The revised guidelines are given below. Besides, the broad issues concerning cadre review have been elaborated in the revised Monograph on Cadre Review of Central Group 'A' Services enclosed herewith. The list of existing Central Group 'A' Services is at Annex-I.
2. Formulation of Proposal
(i) The proposal would be formulated, to the extent possible, in consultation with the representatives of service association (s). While drafting the proposal, all issues like expected changes in the Organization's activities, automation, amendment in the business processes, recruitment planning, plugging the skill gaps, cadre structure, career progression, financial implications etc. must be analyzed and made part of the proposal. These issues and their impact on cadre structure have been discussed in Section-5 and Section-6 of the Monograph.
(ii) Full functional justification for each creation of post/upgradation should be given. A job evaluation exercise may be undertaken for each category of posts so as to ensure that different grades are assigned corresponding level of functions and
(iii) It may be ensured that the cadre review would not have an adverse impact on the feeder grade.
3. Reference to Department of Personnel and Training/Department of
(i) The proposal should be referred to Department of Personnel and Training with the approval of Integrated Finance Division and the Minister in charge.
(ii) The Cadre Controlling Authority would also give a certificate that there is no Court Case pending having a bearing on the cadre review.
(iii) The name (s) of contact officer (s) for further/additional information may be
clearly indicated in the reference.
(iv) The proposal should be examined vis-à-vis the checklist given in Section-6
of the Monograph to ensure that the proposal is complete in all respect.
4. Financial Implications
(i) The proposal having additional financial implications would be entertained
strictly on functional considerations like consistent increase in workload,
horizontal expansion in activities etc.
(ii) While calculating the additional expenditure, the impact of Non-Functional
Upgradation may be taken into account. The calculation sheet must be enclosed
with the proposal.
5. Procedure for cadre review
(i) Every cadre should be reviewed once every five years. The review should be first carried out by the Cadre Controlling Authority, preferably in consultation with the representatives of the service/cadre in question. However, if it is convinced after such a review that no change in the cadre structure is required, the decision should be conveyed to DoPT with the approval of Minister in charge.
(ii) The cadre review proposal would be prepared by the Cadre Controlling Authority in the form of a Note for Committee of Secretaries. DoPT would obtain the approval of Secretary (P) and then refer it to Department of Expenditure for approval of Secretary (Expenditure).
(iii) The Note would then be placed before the Cadre Review Committee by DoPT.
(iv) Based on the recommendation of Cadre Review Committee, the proposal would be submitted for MOS (PP)'s approval. It would then be referred to theDepartment of Expenditure for Finance Minister's approval.
(v) The Cadre Controlling Authority would then take approval of Cabinet. The
Note for Cabinet should ideally be prepared within a month of the Cadre Review
Committee's approval.
6. Composition of Cadre Review Committee-The Cadre Review Committee
would comprise the following functionaries:
(i) Cabinet Secretary Chairman
(ii) Secretary of the Ministry controlling the cadre Member
(iii) Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training Member
(iv) Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Member
(v) The senior most member of the service/cadre concerned Member
7. Restriction on direct recruitment-There is a restriction on direct recruitment to the extent that it should not exceed 3% of the total cadre strength. The authority to relax the condition rests with DoPT. It has now been decided to do away with this restriction. The Cadre Controlling Authorities are, however, advised not to resort to any bulk recruitment as it would create a bulge in the structure leading to stagnation at later stage. This may be kept in view while projecting recruitment planning.
(Pratima Tyagi)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
To : All the cadre controlling authorities
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 16th November , 2010
Subject: Fresh empanelment of private hospitals and revision of Room Rent
applicable under CGHS.
The undersigned is directed to state that CGHS had initiated action for fresh
empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS and also for the revision of package
rates (which were fixed in 2006-07), to be paid to hospitals, by floating tender for the
same. On the basis of the responses received package rates for various procedures
/ treatments have been arrived at and have been uploaded in the website of CGHS:
www.mohfw.nic.in\cghsnew\index.asp and can be downloaded.
2. "Package Rate" shall mean and include lump sum cost of inpatient treatment /day care / diagnostic procedure for which a CGHS beneficiary has been permitted bythe competent authority or for treatment under emergency from the time of admission to the time of discharge including (but not limited to) – (i) Registration charges, (ii)Admission charges, (iii) Accommodation charges including patients diet, (iv)Operation charges, (v) Injection charges, (vi) Dressing charges, (vii) Doctor /consultant visit charges, (viii) ICU / ICCU charges, (ix) Monitoring charges, (x)Transfusion charges, (xi) Anesthesia charges, (xii) Operation theatre charges, (xiii)Procedural charges / surgeon's fee, (xiv) Cost of surgical disposables and all sundries used during hospitalization, (xv) Cost of medicines, (xvi) Related routine and essential investigations, (xvii) Physiotherapy charges etc. (xviii) Nursing care and charges for its services.
(b) Cost of Implants / stents / grafts is reimbursable in addition to package rates as per CGHS ceiling rates for Implants / stents / grafts or as per actual, in case there
is no CGHS prescribed ceiling rates.
(c) Treatment charges for new born baby are separately reimbursable in addition to delivery chares for mother.
d) The hospitals empanelled under CGHS shall not charge more than the
package rates / rates.
2.2 Package rates envisage upto a maximum duration of indoor treatment as follows:
12 days for Specialised (Super Specialties) treatment;
7 days for other Major Surgeries;
3 days for Laparoscopic surgeries / normal deliveries; and
1 day for day care / Minor (OPD) surgeries.
2.3 However, there are certain procedures where there is no prescribed package
rate under CGHS. Similarly, there are medical emergencies where the treatment is
mainly conservative. The admissible amount in such cases is calculated item wise,
room rent, procedures, investigation , etc.,.
Therefore, it has now been decided to revise the rates applicable for room rent
(Accommodation Charges) for different categories of wards as given below:
General ward -Rs.1000/- per day
Semi-private ward -Rs. 2000/- per day
Private ward -Rs.3000/- per day
3. CGHS beneficiaries are entitled to facilities of private, semi-private or general
ward depending on their basic pay / pension. The entitlement is as follows:-
S. No
Basic Pay (without the inclusion of grade pay)
Up to Rs. 13,950/-
General Ward
Between Rs.13,951/ - and Rs.19,530/-
Semi-Private Ward
Rs. 19,540/- and above
Private Ward
4.2 This issues with the concurrence of Internal Finance Division in the Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare, vide Dy. No: AS & FA / 3932 /2010 dated the 8th November
, 2010.
The revised rates will come into effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum.
A copy of this Office Memorandum along with rate list and a copy of MOA are
placed on the internet at http://mohfw.nic.in/cghsnew/index.asp.
[R Ravi]
[Tel: 2306 3483]
We write this in continuation of our circular letter No. 22 dated.6th December, 2010 wherein we had conveyed the decisions taken at the National Council meeting held at Mumbai on 1st December, 2010. The Central Trade Unions had convened a meeting of all federations on 8th December, 2010 at NRMU office at New Delhi. Since the undersigned had been out of Delhi, we could not participate in the said meeting. The meeting had discussed of the need to make the Workers march to Parliament programme slated for 23rd Feb. 2011 a grand success by eliciting the participation of large number of employees and workers. As you are aware we had discussed the issue in our last National Council meeting and had taken the decision to mobilise large number of Government employees in the march.
In order to ensure that the CGEs from various states do participate in this important event, it would be better that the State Committees take steps immediately in the matter. In the annexure to this letter we have indicated minimum number of comrades, each State Committee to deploy in this programme. While it should be the endeavour of the neighbouring States to mobilise larger number of employees, the far off State Committees are requested to meet and identify the comrades and book their to and fro passage and indicate to the CHQ as to whether any arrangements must be made for their stay etc. At Delhi. Unless the number is indicated it would be difficult to book accommodation for stay at Delhi. The comrades who are deployed to participate in the programme from far off States are requested to please reach Delhi latest by 22nd night as the trains are likely to be delayed on 23rd Feb. 2011. The neighbouring States may kindly arrange buses to carry the comrades to Delhi and back. They are also requested to make these arrangements as early as possible and intimate us so that we can make arrangements for parking of these vehicles as large number of vehicles is likely to be reaching Delhi on that day carrying comrades to participate in the programme. As and when we receive any other details from the sponsoring committee of this programme we shall intimate the same to you.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General
(Minimum Number of comrades to be deployed by each State. The number is determined taking into account the distance and the number of employees working in each State. All State committees are requested to kindly ensure that the minimum indicated is adhered to.)
Kerala -30, Karnatakla-30,T,Nadu-50, A.P-50. West Bengal -60, Assam (including all NE States) -40, Orissa-20, Jharkhand-20, Chattisgarh-20. Maharashtra-Mumbai -50, Vidharba -30, Gujarath-40, Bihar -50, J & K, 10
Delhi – 2000, Rajasthan(Jodhpur, Jaipur, Udaipur-100. Haryana (Rohtak, Ambala, Panipet, Kurukshetra)-100, Western UP-300. (Lucknow, Baireilly, Meerut, Agra, Aligarh, Ghaziabad etc. Eastern U.P. (Allahabad, Varanasi, Gorakhpur etc-150, Punjab (Jullunder, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Patiala, Chandigarh) -150) Himachal Pradesh –Simla and Solan-50, Madhya Pradesh (indore, Jabalpur, Bhopal and Gwalior)-75