Federated with National Federation of Postal Employees
G u j a r a t C I r c l e
No. CO/Circle Council Mtg/2016.17 Dated: April 22, 2016
It is to notify under Article 31 of the Constitution of All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MTS, that the Circle Council Meeting of AIPE Union Postmen & MTS Gujarat Circle will be held at Preranadham, behind Bhavnath temple, Girnar taleti, Bhavnath, Junagadh at 11.30 p.m. onwards on 08.05.2016 Sunday, to transact following items on the Agenda. Com.S. T. Teraiya Circle President, will preside over the meeting.
1. To read and approve minutes of last meeting.
2. To finalize campaign to ensure maximum membership in AIPEU GDS (NFPE)
3. To discuss and pass resolutions on problems of each division.
4. To discuss and review of functioning of Divisional Unions as well as Circle Union.
5. To discuss about clearance of outstanding Quota of Federation/CHQ/Circle.
6. Any other item/s with permission of chair.
All Divisional/branch Secretaries and Circle Office bearers including Supreme Councilors are requested to be present at this very important meeting without fail and contribute their views and valuable suggestions. If any DS is unable to attend due to compelling circumstances, a representative must be deputed.

J U Mahida
Circle Secretary P4
Circle Secretary P4
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. Com.S.T.Teraiya Circle President AIPEU P4 at Rajkot H.O. 360 001
2. Com. Sithalaxmi G/S AIPEU P4 (CHQ), New Delhi
3. Com.R.B.Nimbark Incharge D/S AIPEU Gr.’C’ Junagadh dn. –he is requested to coordinate in organizing this program.
4. Chief Postmaster General Gujarat Circle, Ahmedabad 380 001
-with a request to issue instructions to all concerned to grant Special Casual Leave to Office bearers/Delegates to enable them to attend the meeting in time on 08.05.16
5. All Sup. Councilors, Circle Office bearers and Divisional Secretaries.
6. Office copy