Rashmin Purohit, Circle Secretary, AIPE Union Group-C
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Letter to CO regarding uniform approach in the matter of LGO candidates
NO.CO/lgo/2014. Date: 28.4.2014
Hon.Chief PMG
Subject: Regarding uniform approach to the matter of inhouse training and appointment LGO candidates
Respected sir,
Namaskar. It has been a point of discussion and puzzle in minds of successful candidates in LGO exam in Gujarat circle this year because there in no uniform treatment to them in various divisions.
For example, candidates in BK division and Ahmedabad city division has been imparted In-house training and also appointed as PAs . In Rajkot region, SP Kachchh and Bhavnagar imparted in-house training and other SPOs like SP Junagadh are of the opinion that in-house training can be given only under clear orders of the Circle Office.
I urge to take this issue into consideration and issue such instructions to all concerned that a uniform proceedure may prevail in the Circle.
This may be attended on priority.
with regards,
Yours sincerely
Rashmin Purohit
A memorable farewell was given to Com.B.B.Rohit DS P.4 Anand Dn at Anand HO on 27-4-2014. He retires on superannuation on 30 April. This occasion was linked with CWC of P.4 at Anand.
This event was glorified by presence of all Divisional Secretaries and CWC members of P.4 union. Ex. Circle union Leaders also graced the function by their presence. Com. K.B.Barot, Com. R.G.Parmar, Com. Manubhai Parmar, Com.S.S.Vaishya and other retired comrades of the division also attended the function and appreciated dedicated contribution of Com.Rohit in trade union movement.
Com. S.T.Teraiya Circle President P.4/CHQ leader presided over the function. Com.Rashmin Purohit CS P.3, Com.R.S.Malek CS P.4, Com.M.K.Pandya Circle Org. Secretary & DS Kheda also attended the function. Com.J.J.Jadav DS P.3 Anand anchored the function very nicely.
It was decided to hold next Circle Conference at Vadodara on 29-30 May 2014. There will be magnificent Farewell to retiring Com.R.S.Malek CS P.4 in the conference as well at a special program at Ahmedabad on 31.5.14. These functions will be attended by many CHQ leaders and Circle representatives from all unions in Gujarat Circle.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Glimpses of Amreli Divisional Conference held on 30 March 2014
JointvDivisional Conference of P3, P4 & GDS (NFPE) was held at Amreli on 30-3-14. Com.S.K.Vaishnav Circle President P.3, Com.S.T.Teraiya Circle President P4, Com. Rashmin Purohit CS P3, Com.R.S Malek CS P4, Com.K.B.Chudasama Asst CS P3, Com.R.B.Nimbark I/C DS P3 Junagadh, Com.Rajen Desani DS P3 Rajkot and leaders from various divisions remained present including Com.K.A.Kanada and Com.M.P.Mangrolia Senior Comrades of
Amrelu Dn itself. It was nice to have graceful company of Com.D.S.Vaidhya Ex.Circle President P3 who is till active at the age of 75.Com.Ajmera a young comrade was elected unanimously as New DS Amreli. List of office bearers will be published later on.
Circle union greets newly elected office bearers.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Pl clear Quota to all higher ups before 30 April 2014
Dear Comrades,
I am receiving letters and frequent telephonic reminders from CHQ and Federation regarding clearing outstanding quota up to 31.3.14
A letter has already been sent by CHQ to all DS.If any DS has not received, pl contact CS urgently. You know April is a grace month and each division has to remit quota to get credentials in next AIC. This is very important. Pl do not invite action as per constitutional provisions as CHQ directs to stop payment of subscription to defaulting divisions till quota is cleared.
Circle union is very much upset regarding slackness in remittance of quota by divisions. Calculations given to all during CWC meetings but most of divisions are sending lump sum amount. It is hereby made clear that by delaying remittances, no division can be allowed to skip from clearing arrears. You have received the amounts and a prescribed part is to be remitted without reminder and delay.
Circle union requests to take this seriously and to clear entire outstanding amounts before 30/4/14 failing which circle office bearers will personally visit divisions for the purpose.
Up to 30June 2013
Dn.14.50 /Circle.8.00/CHQ.6.00/NFPE.1.50/
1 July 2013 onwards
Monday, April 21, 2014
CWC of P.4 at Anand on 27th April
Circle Working Committee of All India Postal Employees Union Postman and MSE/Group.D Gujarat Circle will be held at An and HPO on Sunday 27th April 2014.
A farewell ceremony will also be organised to honour Senior Comrade B.B.Rohit who retires on superannuation.
There will also be discussion regarding arrangements and planning regarding Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of NFPE at Jamnagar on 23-24 November 2014.
Circle Secretary AIPEU Gr.C will attend the meeting.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
It was
a rousing and bright day on 16th April 2014 when officials working
in Postmaster’s cadre called upon Circle Secretary and proposed that all of
them in Gujarat Circle desires to come under one umbrella of All India Postal
Employees Union Group ‘C’. They informed that most of them are already member
of AIPEU Gr.’C’ but few are members in other unions and they all desire to be
united under our union to ensure that their problems and pains are given
appropriate hearing and representation.
meeting was held at Lal Darwaja PO on 16th April 2014 evening which
was attended by most of the officials working in Postmasters cadre working at
Ahmedabad. Mainly Com.N.K.Nayak SPM Lal Darwaja, H.K.Bhattacharya SPM SA Roza,
V.V.Purohit SPM Saijpur Bogha, M.R.Parmar SPM Naroda IE, K.K.Paynikar RPM
Rajpur Gomtipur, R.C.Panchal SPM Isanpur, D.G.Rathod SPM Sola HBC attended the
Circle FS, Dinesh Patel President P3 Ahd City dn., N.D.Patel DS P3 Ahd City Dn
and other office bearers Com.C.M.Nayak, V.W.Cristian, Malli and others also
attended the meeting.
officials working in Postmaster’s Cadre discussed about problems faced by them
and expressed that most of them are members of AIPE Union Group ‘C’ but if any
official is member of any other union, all will first of all become united
under banner of AIPEU. They also discussed about few problems about non
preparation of Gradation List by C.O., ambiguity in names of offices identified
for posting of officials of PM’s Cadre, their postings at distant offices and
need to retransfer them to parent divisions as and when possible etc.
Secretary also discussed at length about all features taken in discussion together
with promotional avenues and inclusion of various points to be taken up before
7th Pay Commission through a Memorandum to be submitted by the CHQ
and Federation.
officials filled up required forms for becoming members of AIPEU Group C and it
was promised that they will contact all officials of Postmaster’s Cadre in
whole Gujarat Circle and if any official is not a member of AIPE Union Group
‘C’, they will manage to ask them to become member and resign from other union
before 30th April 2014. All active members should take this task in their hand to enroll new members.
The Circle Secretary greeted and welcomed all
and assured for all co operation to them.
As a
beginning a letter has been addressed to CPMG Ahmedabad today which is also
placed here.
is a good beginning and it is surely half done. Circle Secretary appeals all
Divisional Secretaries to enroll new members as many officials as possible before crucial
date i.e. 30.4.14.

No.CO/PMCadreII/Vadodara/14.15 Dated:
April 16, 2014
The Chief Postmaster General
Gujarat Circle,
Ahmedabad 380 001
for causing equality in approach and adherence to Directorate orders for
implementing orders of posting of PO HSG-I Generel line cadre to the cadre of
GCS Group B (Non-Gazzated) Poastmaster Grade-III on regular basis.
C.O.Ahmedabad Memo No. STA
44-22/PM/Gr.III/2013 dated 27.8.13 and R.P.Vadodara Memo No. STA/2-32/PM Gr III
dated 03.09.13.
Respected sir,
I bring to your notice that four officials
have been posted to the cadre of GCS Group B (Non-Gazzated) Poastmaster
Grade-III on regular basis vide R.O. Vadodara orders dated 3.9.13 based on C.O.
Ahd orders dated 27.8.13. Para 6 of the order itself reads as under:
‘As provided in the Directorate Comm. Option
for Postmaster Cadre once exercised is final and no reversion to the parent
cadre is permissible’
Official at Sr.No.1 has not been relieved so
far by the administration of R.O. Rajkot. On our informal submissions during last bimonthly meeting it
was informed to us that the official has represented to the Directorate and
therefore not relieved!! This is not a convincing state of dealing with such
cases in a casual manner. In all over our Gujarat circle all officials in
Postmaster cadre has been forced to go and resume at the place of their posting
in view of same instructions of the Directorate which equally apply to this
order and said official. Submission of a representation cannot justify non
relief of the official. Unequal and partial favour to one and force to follow
Directorate’s instruction in cases of others is not fair and judicious. If in one case a relief
arrangement is stopped only on ground of a representation of the official to
higher authority, same benefit will be sought for by all other similarly
situated officials in the Circle.
It is therefore urged to ask concerned administrative
authority to adhere to the Directorate orders and implement the said order
without any pretext and set example of equality in administrative action.
With regards,
Yours faithfully
Circle Secretary

No.CO/PMCadre/Gradation list/14.15 Dated:
April 17, 2014
The Chief Postmaster General
Gujarat Circle,
Ahmedabad 380 001
Circulation of Gradation list of Postmaster
Cadre officials of Gujarat Circle and Circulation of list of offices identified
for Postmasters cadre in Gujarat Circle.
Respected sir,
There has been a demand of concerned
employees to represent following problems:
List of the officials of PM Cadre has not been prepared so far though a period
of two and half year has passed. It may be prepared and circulated at the
has been a lot of discrepancy in the names of offices identified for Postmaster
Cadre Grade I and II as observed in information sought for under RTI by some
officials. For making a clear picture, a list of offices identified for the
purpose as on today may be circulated.
Gujarat Circle, so many posts remain vacant due to declining of the promotion
after passing examination! Statistics of last examinations may be referred
which would show huge number of candidates passing the examination and then
declining. It is because of postings at distant places. In original orders also
it was recommended by the Directorate to post them to the offices of choice as
far as possible. Unfortunately there are so many posts remaining vacant. A
positive review of the position may be undertaken and it may be considered to
post the officials at their choice places as far as possible.
officials in first posting orders had to resume at the offices of posting at
distant paces and on application, they were replied that their requests would
be considered on passing of new candidates in future. Actually no request for
posting back to parent division has been considered so far. It is requested to
keep this aspect into consideration as and when feasible as assured.
Urging immediate
action on 1 and 2 above,
With regards,
Yours sincerely
Circle Secretary
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
14th April..Dr.B.R.Ambedkar birth anniversary
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: An Indefatigable Defender of Human Rights
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born as the fourteenth child of Mahar parents, Ramji and Bhimabai, on 14 April 1891 at Mhow, in present-day State of Madhya Pradesh. The Mahars are considered low- caste and treated as untouchables (Dalits) by higher-caste Hindus. They are mainly found in the State of Maharashtra.
The father and grandfather of Ambedkar served in the army and were of well-to-do family. But the stigma of being members of Mahar community caused their social oppression in a caste-ridden society.
Ambedkar had a bitter taste of discriminatory treatment due his caste at an early age. He and his brother had to carry gunny bags to sit on inside the classroom because they were not allowed to sit on classroom chairs. They were denied drinking water facilities, and excluded from games and mixing with other children. Even teachers would not check their notebooks for fear of "pollution." Thus sowed the seeds of discontentment about the Hindu social system in the life of Ambedkar.
He did his early education in Satara in Maharashtra State and then moved on to Bombay. In 1912, he passed his B. A. examination with distinction from the prestigious Elphinstone College with the scholarship and encouragement from the Maharaja of Baroda State. In 1913, with a condition that he would serve the Baroda State for ten years, he was chosen by Maharaja of Baroda State for higher studies at Columbia University in the USA. This was followed with a trans-Atlantic shift to the United Kingdom where he studied at the University of London. While studying abroad, he mixed with students of various nationalities and races, which was an eye- opener for him.
He joined the Union Cabinet of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru during the 1946-1951 period. He resigned on 27 September 1951 to protest the deferment of the discussion in the parliament of the Hindu Code Bill supposedly due to the coming 1952 elections. Ambedkar saw the Bill as a very important reform of Hindu law, with reform proposals on marriage, divorce, and monogamy.
Despite failing health, he plodded on with his advocacy for the cause of the Dalits. He came to Nagpur in October 1956 for his conversion to Buddhism and a couple of months thereafter on 8 December 1956 breathed his last.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
2014 NOVEMBER 23rd & 24th
In the meeting held on 11th April-2014 at Jamnagar in presence of
Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE :
Working Chairman:
Com. R.D. Purohit Circle Secretary P-3 Gujarat.
General Convenor :
Com. Asha Ben Joshi Circle Secretary GDS(NFPE) Gujarat
Financial Secretary”
Com. S.T. Taraiya Vice President P-IV (CHQ)
(Name of Chairman and full details of Reception Committee and various other Committees will be published later on.)
Reception Committee Formation meeting was held at Jamnagar (Gujarat) on 11.04.2014. The meeting was presided over by Com. R.N. Parashar Assistant Secretary General, NFPE.
The following leaders were present in the meeting:
1. Com. M Krishnan Secretary General NFPE
2. Com. R. Seethalaxmi General Secretary P-IV
3. Com. M.P. John Dep. G.S. R-III(C/S R-III Gujarat)
4. Com. R.D. Purohit C/S P-III Gujarat.
5. Com. S T Taraiya Vice President P-IV CHQ
6. Com. Apurva Kadiya C/S Admn. Gujarat.
7. Com. A.K. Chauhan Dy. C/S Postal Accounts
8. Com. Asha Ben Joshi C/S GDS(NFPE) Gujarat
9. Com. S.K. Vaishnav Circle President P-III Gujarat
10. Com. S R Dave Circle Treasurer R-III Gujarat.
Besides above mentioned leaders about 200 Comrades from Gujarat Circle particularly Jamnagar Dn. Participated in the meeting.
In the begging Com,. Asha Ben Joshi honoured all the leaders by presenting flowers bouquets. Com. R D Purohit C/S P-III welcomed all the leaders.
Com. R.N. Parashar , President of the meeting & ASG NFPE described the importance of Diamond Jubilee Celebration at Jamnagar and appealed to all to make the programme a grand success by giving maximum contribution financially as well as mobilizing their membership to take part in the programme in a large number.
Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE thrown light on the history of NFPTE/NFPE and various struggles conducted by the organizations and achievements gained through sustained struggles. He gave suggestions to make the pogramme a historic success and stated the ways and means . He put a blue print of programme which will be published in detail later on.
Com. R Seethalaxmi G/S P-IV also appealed to all Comrades to contribute maximum in all respects to make the programme a grand success.
All leaders mentioned above expressed their views and assured NFPE leadership that they will do their best to make the programme a historic event.
Besides them Com. Mihir Gandhi Divisional Secretary P-III Bhuj and Com. Nikola Divisional Secretary P-III Jamnagar also delivered speech and assured to give maximum contribution and co-operation to make the progranne a grand success.
Com. R.D. Purohit Circle Secretary P-III Gujarat stated in detail about the arrangements to be made for the function and intimated an estimated budget to be spent in the function. All Circle Secretaries, leaders and other Comrades gave assurance to give financial contribution to the Reception Committee as per quota fixed to each union.
At last Com. Asha Ben Joshi Cirle Secretary GDS(NFPE) offered Vote of Thanks.
The meeting was concluded by Presidential speech of Com. R.N. Parashar after giving thanks to all leaders and Comrades of Gujarat Circle for showing such interest and enthusiasm for making the programme a historic event.
NFPE at 2:44 PM
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New Delhi, Delhi, India
M.Krishnan Secretary General NFPE M.No: 09447068125/ 09868819295 /011-23092771 / E-Mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
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A good begining and Divisional Conference of Panchmahal dn at Godhra
Divisional Conference of Panchmahal Dn was held on Sunday 13th April, 2014.
On one hand it was a painful day on the history of our country as on 13th April 1919, people of India were shocked by Jaliyawala bag's mass killing at Amritsar.
It was, Mahavir Janma Jayanti on the day of conference which recalls lessons of peace and non violence by life and preachings of Mahavir Swami, 24th and last Jain 'Tirthankar'.
If we look at postal employees of Panchmahal division, it prima facie appears that entire staff is under threat and fear of very harsh and uncertain disciplinary action upon them. There is no local leader from any union who could stand up with courage and confidence to support innocent staff members who are victimized in the name of subsidiary offender and contributory responsibility in a fraud case. All are like sighless and wounded soldiers. Most of the staff were member of NUPE but unfortunately there appears no concrete assistance and help to staff of this division.
We never intend to interfere into administrative process of investigation in a fraud case and cross our limitation as a trade union but, based on discussions of members held during divisional conference, it primarily appeares that there are premature, discriminating and very harsh action on staff members. The administration is more interested in forcing recovery of big amounts from pockets of staff then holding judicious and immediate investigation. In so many cases, staff was orally put under pressure and fear, forced to credit huge amount voluntarily (!!), amounts were credited and then disciplinary actions were initiated under rule 16. In identical cases where amounts are not credited, disciplinary action under rule 14 have been initiated.
It becomes a case for study for us to see following details:
How many officials credited what amount voluntarily before issue of charge sheet I.e. disciplinary action and who told them to do so.
How many officials were charge sheeted and what amount of recovery has been imposed upon them and what amount has been recovered so far and what total amount would be finally recovered as a punitive action.
How many claim cases have been settled and pending with the department.
What are allegations and what is punishment in various cases.
As a Circle union we decided to study whole material and turn up with all possible help and assistance to innocent staff. Union has never supported any culprits and ill doers. But it will be our responsibility to help innocent employees of this division who looks forward in search of any help like a thusrty man searches a drop of water from sand in desert.
It was pleasant to meet Senior comrade. Hassan who is the only source of help and guidance in this division.
Com.M.G.Dulera Circle F.S. and Com. M.K.Pandya DS Kheda & Circle office bearers also attended the conference. Wee look towards many young friends who attended this conference. They are future of trade union movement. We request them to come on and be united to safeguard postal employees against any injustice and victimization.
List of newly elected body will be placed later on here.
We congratulate staff for holding a very meaningful conference. We also greet Com. Bamania for taking constant pains in arranging this event and also very nice kathiyawadi Lunch.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Remember 30 April is last date for enrolment of new members
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Department of Posts
SR Section
Name of the Office:
Letter of authorization
(Designation of Divisional Head)
I,__________________________________________________, (Name and designation) being a member of All India Postal Employees Union Group-C hereby authorize deduction of monthly subscription of Rs. _____ per month from my salary starting from the month of ____________ payable on ________________ and authorize its payment to the above mentioned service association.
I hereby certify that I have not submitted authorization in favor of any other Service Association. If the above information is found incorrect, I fully understand that my authorization for the association becomes invalid.
Station: Signature: X____________________________
Date : Name: _____________________________________
To be filled by the association
It is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum._________________________________________________________ is a member of All India Postal Employees Union Group-C.
It is further certified that the above authorization has been signed by Shri/Smt./Kum. ______________________________________________________ in my presence.
Signature: _________________________________
Name (In capital) of
authorized office bearer__________________
Signature: X ________________
Name of the member:________________________
Divisional Head’s attestation
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Department of Posts
SR Section
Name of the Office:
Letter of authorization
(Designation of Divisional Head)
I,__________________________________________________, (Name and designation) being a member of All India Postal Employees Union Group-C hereby authorize deduction of monthly subscription of Rs. _____ per month from my salary starting from the month of ____________ payable on ________________ and authorize its payment to the above mentioned service association.
I hereby certify that I have not submitted authorization in favor of any other Service Association. If the above information is found incorrect, I fully understand that my authorization for the association becomes invalid.
Station: Signature: X____________________________
Date : Name: _____________________________________
To be filled by the association
It is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum._________________________________________________________ is a member of All India Postal Employees Union Group-C.
It is further certified that the above authorization has been signed by Shri/Smt./Kum. ______________________________________________________ in my presence.
Signature: _________________________________
Name (In capital) of
authorized office bearer__________________
Signature: X ________________
Name of the member:________________________
Divisional Head’s attestation
Enroll new members before 30 April.
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Department of Posts
SR Section
Name of the Office:
Letter of authorization
(Designation of Divisional Head)
I,__________________________________________________, (Name and designation) being a member of All India Postal Employees Union-Postman/Group-D hereby authorize deduction of monthly subscription of Rs. _____ per month from my salary starting from the month of ____________ payable on ________________ and authorize its payment to the above mentioned service association.
I hereby certify that I have not submitted authorization in favor of any other Service Association. If the above information is found incorrect, I fully understand that my authorization for the association becomes invalid.
Station: Signature: X_________________________________
Date : Name: _____________________________________
To be filled by the association
It is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum._________________________________________________________ is a member of All India Postal Employees Union-Postman/Group-D.
It is further certified that the above authorization has been signed by Shri/Smt./Kum. ______________________________________________________ in my presence.
Name (In capital) of
authorized office bearer__________________
Signature: X ________________
Name of the member:________________________
Divisional Head’s attestation
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Department of Posts
SR Section
Name of the Office:
Letter of authorization
(Designation of Divisional Head)
I,__________________________________________________, (Name and designation) being a member of All India Postal Employees Union-Postman/Group-D hereby authorize deduction of monthly subscription of Rs. _____ per month from my salary starting from the month of ____________ payable on ________________ and authorize its payment to the above mentioned service association.
I hereby certify that I have not submitted authorization in favor of any other Service Association. If the above information is found incorrect, I fully understand that my authorization for the association becomes invalid.
Station: Signature: X_________________________________
Date : Name: _____________________________________
To be filled by the association
It is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum._________________________________________________________ is a member of All India Postal Employees Union-Postman/Group-D.
It is further certified that the above authorization has been signed by Shri/Smt./Kum. ______________________________________________________ in my presence.
Name (In capital) of
authorized office bearer__________________
Signature: X ________________
Name of the member:________________________
Divisional Head’s attestation
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Successful Biennial Divisional Conference of Bardoli Dn at Vyara
Biennial divisional conference of Bardoli Dn was held at Vyara on 6th March 2014. Com. MGDulera and Com.KDTailor Circle office bearers accompanied Circle Secretary. Com.Dave Circle President of GDS union (NFPE) also remained present. Formation of AIPEU GDS NFPE at divisional level was done.
Office bearers of all three wings were unanimously elected. In P3 dedicated services rendered by senior Comrade ACChaudhari was specifically appreciated by all in one voice. Com. Mansukh Garchar and Com. Dinesh Patel were elected as President and Dnl Secretary.
Circle union greets all newly electrd office bearers and particularly young comrades.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Biennial Dnl Conference of Bardoli dn will be held at Vyara on 6th April 2014. Circle Secretary accompanied by Com. M.G.Dulera Circle Finance Secretary will attend the conference. Com. Shubhash Patel Regional Secretary will also attend.
This time young newly entered members are taking keen and active interest in trade union movement. We welcome all staff members of Bardoli dn to attend the event and discuss problems of staff in general openheartedly.
Leaders of Circle union will also hold informative conversation with members. Few enthusiastic young members are also desirous to contribute their useful quality of leadership. We welcome them also.
Let us respect our senior leaders. Let us know golden history of our union. Let us rejuvenate our strength with constructive approach. Let us all join hands together for common cause of postal employees. Let us make determination that by concrete unity, we will fight out stronglyagainst any uinjustice and victimization. No one can use us as tool and break our unity and strength.
I wish magnificent success to this conference.
CS P.3
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
A call from heart....
Dear Comrades,
Brotherly yours ever,
Rashmin Purohit
You may see a memorandum given to PMG Rajkot in a bimonthly meeting held on 31st March 2014. We insisted upon permission to all Divisional Secretaries to remain present and provide accurate feedback in the meeting on the spot. It proved to be a very meaningful and fruitful meeting.
I request and call upon all Divisional Secretaries and Circle union office bearers of Vadodara region as well as HQ region to send list of problems and pending issues of their divisions including personal cases. We can study and prepare memorandum and arrange meetings with respective PMG/DPS.
If you remain silent and deal with issues orally, then members will be loosers.
In this month, we need to enroll maximum possible new members. Pl let all staff know about websites of our Federation, CHQ and Circle. Pl show them all publications of our union to know our great and dedicated leaders at all levels. Pl issue circulars in Gujarati language regarding various issues in brief studying our magazines.
Dear Comrades, generation is changed. We can't stand where we are. We need to go ahead and climb new goals in favour of our employees. Please please spare time and take care of the points discussed here.
Brotherly yours ever,
Rashmin Purohit
RO/RJ/2014 31.03.2014
PO Building of Shihor
is in worst condition and there is seriez of correspondence by the
administration as well as union on the issue. The building is in such a
dangerous condition that the life of our employees working there are under
threat. More over wiring and broken roof is always hanging as death call on the
heads of employees. Officers of Civil wing has also visited this office and
considered it as the most dangerous condition. Instead of making correspondence
between authorities and going in to lengthy procedures, immediate remedial
action is required to be taken in the matter considering seriousness of the
Similarly building of
Bhavnagar Anandnagar, Bhavnagar Chitra and Bhavnagar Kumbharwad are also in
worst and dangerous conition and requires immediate repairs or shifting on top
priority. The administrative authorities are not at all taking such issues into
consideration and the staff remains under constant threat.
Posts of HSG I
Postmaster Bhavnagar HO, HSG II of Botad and Mahuva and LSG Posts are lying
vacant which resultantly becomes burden on PA cadre particularly when the
division is facing acute shortage of staff as total more than 80 PAs are short.
So far as the Post of PM Bhavnagar HO is concerned, it is required to fill up
on top priority considering quantum of responsibilities and quality of work is
Two PAs are taken on
deputation from Bhavnagar HO since long. Considering shortage of staff faced by
operative office, it is required to terminate deputations very urgently.
It is very sad to point
out that the Divisional Head is in habit of using very bad and abusing words in
his general conversations as if it is a tradition for him. The female staff
feels very shameful situation when hears such words. It is required to control
this officer.
SP Porbandar is very
harsh in the matter of dealing leave cases. Even in case of medical
certificates granted by Civil
Hospital, he stops pay of
the official. There are three or more cases. More over the SP personally goes
to the doctors and requests them not to grant medical certificates.
Correspondences are also made with the medical authorities in the matter asking
them not to grant medical certificate. Such overwhelming enthusiasm of the SP
Porbandar is required to be tuned off. There are aos news reports regarding his
habit of misbehavior. He says that he has pleased the regional head so any
complaint against him will not be heard!! It appears that the behavior of the
SP Porbandar is irresponsible and novish.
SP Porbandar refuses to
discuss old pending items in formal monthly meeting. He does not show old items
with progress report in minutes as per rules. More over he allows only one
official and that only Divisional Secretary in the meetings though total three
officials are permissible as per rule. Today also he knows that the Divisional
Secretary has sought for CL for attending meeting with PMG Rajkot and he fixed
date of monthly meeting just today at 4 pm. As such he cuts trade union
facilities and required to be strongly instructed.
In a very surprising
case, one shri.I.U.Detha offg. SPM Manavadar who is recently considered for
regular promotion to the cadre of LSG General line, has refused the promotion due to health
problems. He is asked to work as PA in the same office under his junior!! The
official is ready to continue as offg. SPM Manavadar and there is no ground to
ask him to work as PA only because he refused promotion. We understand that if
any official on regular promotion resumes in the office, he can be asked to
work as PA under him but in this case the SP at his own whim asked the official
to work as PA under his junior. It is requested to ask SP Porbandar to do
justice and act according to rules and procedures.
The ASP HQ is in habit
of dominating staff by issuing suspension orders to Postman/Mail overseer. He
uses his position for personal ego. After suspension, he reinstates officials
without any further action. This style of pressurizing staff is quite
irregular. In one case an official was suspended and reinstated in a week but
even after lapse of about one year no charge sheet is issued. The intention of
the ASP to put subordinate staff under fear. Previously also, CS P3 and Circle
union office bearers had to visit Porbandar to represent against misbehavior
and unwarranted dominance of this ASP. There were some representation by the
female staff also against him. Though there are personal cases and the
officials would represent their cases but the approach of ASP needs a close
watch. We demand that he should be shifted else where to save staff from his
bias attitude.
As and when any problem
is with the staff, they need to meet the Divisional head. The SP Porbandar is
not allowing any staff to meet him. The ASP has no powers and there is no
meaning of meeting him. There is no justification for avoiding any staff to
meet him. It is his moral duty to hear problems of the staff working under him.
He may be instructed suitably.
Cases for de-quarterization
of SPMs quarters at Chela PO and Digvijay gram PO
are pending since long and therefore it is required to process the cases on
buildings of Jamnagar Digvijay Plot, Patel Colony PO and Salaya PO are in quite
damaged condition and staff is working under threat of any casualty. The matter
has been taken up at divisional level and under correspondence with RO but no
action is being taken and it is therefore required to shift the said POs to
another safe and suitable buildings as early as possible.
SP Jamnagar is forcing
staff to attend meetings and melas on Sundays/holidays by creating illusive
picture as is the staff is willing for attending. It is very sad to expoit,
suppress and manage staff to become silent victims only for the purpose of
using them as tools to fulfil personal ego and enhancing figures. Please call
for statistical information about number of GDS employees whose PL Bonus was
not paid for months together in 2012.13 and 2013-14 with dates of release of PL
Bonus. Pl also call for figures of number of employees whose pay were withheld
for forcing achievement of targets. This is miserable situation to crush the
employees for displaying success of the administrator! This is not case of one
division. Most of the Divisional heads in Rajkot
region are exploiting staff excessively showing fear. They also show fear of
displeasure of PMG and severe action! Such approach is required to be
It is very sad that
there is no arrangement of pure and cold drinking water at Jamnagar HO. It is
required to provide RO system with cooling facility on priority basis. This is
basic amenity to ensure hygienic drinking water.
A software for
recording in CC TV Camara is required to be provided for safety purpose.
Most of the computer
systems are required to be checked and reassessed because systems are not working
properly and it results into slow and poor working. More over a case for
condemnation of 4 PCs has already been sent to RO Rajkot before one year but
there is no action. In the era of total computerization such slackness in
attending such problems with technology is highly disadvantageous to public
service and demoralizing staff.
Special increment for
achieving excellence in sports is pending in case of all officials of Rajkot region. It is
required to take up the case urgently as it is pending since February 2012.
Retirement benefits of
one Shri.J.C.Rathod SPM Bhachau Kachchh division has been withheld for no
specific reason. In a report of Inquiry officer his name was noted as
Subsidiary offender. No CLIR of the case has been carried out. If report of the
IO is the basis for withholding retirement benefit, then name of Shri.N.R.Khoja
Ex.ASP was also cited as S.O. in this case at par with this Shri. Rathod. Such
benefit of Shri. Khoja has not been withheld. Such partiality should be avoided
and all amounts of Shri. Rathod should be released.
Correspondence of
unrecognized unions are not to be attended and their letters are not to be
submitted to subordinate offices for reports as per rules on the subject but
correspondence of CS Bhartiya Union is being irregularly attended by the RO.
The CS BPEF has also retired from service in February 2013 and he was elected
as CS four years back so he can not be taken as CS after lapse of 4 years of
election. Please stop attending any correspondence from him.
PO Building of Madhapar
SO is in very dangerous condition and even a low jerk of earthquake can fall
down this building which is in EQ Zone area. This is the best (No.1) revenue
earning office in the whole circle. Whatever the procedure required, it should
be completed in time bound manner. The divisional head has transferred the item
taken at divisional level in September 2010 to RO for action. If the
administration has no trust on staff side, it is advisable to send some expert
civil engineer to this office and obtain the opinion. We cannot understand who
would be responsible for safety of staff working in such deadly building!
At Mandvi MDG as well
Postal Colony of Mandvi, maintenance has been carried out by the contractor
before six months. The quality of work was poor and not as per conditions of
contract and therefore SPM Mandvi MDG has not given Satisfactory report which
is a requirement for making payments to contractor. More over SPM Mandvi has
submitted a report of “Dissatisfactory work” to the SP Kachchh division. The
report of SPM was also forwarded to RO Rajkot. It is surprising that the report
of SPM was not given any cognizance and all payments were made to the
contractor! It is required to investigate this matter from vigilance point of
The Lane cable and few
electricity cables at Bhuj HO and Mandvi MDG are are in worst condition and
requires immediate replacement to avoid any casualty. Quotation for Mandvi SO has been sent to RO before 18
months and for Bhuj also quotations are obtained. It is required that the
administration side attends such issues with more care and interest considering
that it is not only the function to obtain business!!! Administration also need
to take care of basic amenities of the staff and service conditions.
MIS incentive bills of
more than 10 Post offices are pending at Kachchh division. The offices were
selected as per rules for applicability of incentive but when the time comes
for sanction of bills, the administration closes eyes. It is requested to ask SP
Kachchh to clear incentive bills of the offices which were selected as
admissible for incentive as per norms prescribed by the department.
Recognisation of Multi speciality
Hospital at Rajkot is absolutely necessary. At present
there is no recognized Hospital except Dhakan Hospital.
It has Package system and there is least fecility. Huge number of staff is
working at Rajkot and it is required to
recognize good hospital at Rajkot.
We suggest to process case for recognizing any 2 or 3 of the following
hospitals for indoor as well as outdoor facility :
Sterling Hospital (Approved by AG, Incomtax, Railway
deptt. Etc)
Wockhardt Hospital (Approved by AG, Incomtax, Railway deptt.
Jalaram Hospital
GT Shet Aurtho Hospital
There is heavy staff shortage
at Rajkot HO. There are so many officials deputed at R.O. Rajkot from operative
offices. Separate recruitment is also being done for administrative offices. It
is requested to terminate deputation of staff from RO Rajkot as early as
There are four
officials of PA cadre deputed to Divisional Office from Gondal HO. More over
one PA has been deputed in the name of work for ‘help desk’. It is requested to
issue clear order to SP Gondal to relieve all officials on deputation at
divisional office considering fact that Gondal HO itself is facing acute
shortage of staff as 17 PAs are short.
Case of Shri.B.S.Bashia
PA Jetpur for medical claim in emergency situation has been rejected. This is a
justified case and requires review.
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