Rashmin Purohit, Circle Secretary, AIPE Union Group-C
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Circle Secretary resumes today on 28-03-2011 as PRI ( P ) Baherampura ( Ahmedaba )
Friday, March 25, 2011
Global It giant HP is fighting it out with domestic IT services companies such as Infosys Technologies, Tata consultancy Services and Wipro for a Department of Post contract. The contract which involves Implementation of financial services solution, is one of the eight projects that the department is outsourcing as part of its IT modernisation initiative.
"Four companies have submitted commercial and financial bids and the bids are currently being evaluated. The contract seeks to provide connectively to 170000 post offices in the country for anytime, anywhere banking" sources said.
While the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs last year approved the 'India Post 2012. IT modernisation project at an overall outlay of Rs.1,877 crore, the entire project will be implemented through eight separate contracts. However, the breakup in terms of value for individual contract could not be immediately ascertained.
According to sources, these four companies have responded to Request for Proposal by the postal department, seeking to put in place an enterprise wide financial management system for the Post Office savings bank and postal life insurance. The vendor will manage the system for five years.
Broadly, the scope of work includes supply, installation and commissioning of postal banking applications entailing core banking solution and ATM switch.
In addition to banking and insurance solution, the IT vendor would also have to install 1000 ATMs and create mobile and web based access for all users.
When contacted, the four companies refused to comment on the issue.
As part of its ambitious IT Modernisation effort, the Postal department is expected to hand out multiple contracts. The Rural ICT hardware contract involved supply and installation of rural IT hardware devices and providing network connectivity to 1.30 lakh Gramin Dak Sewak post offices enabling post offices to perform e-transactions. The rural ICT system integrator will develop the platform for all applications that will reside in the rural hand-held devices and the core system integrator will focus on all applications that will run in the post and mail offices.
Besides the financial services system integrator, other contracts include data centre facility, network integrator, mail operations hardware and change management
Members of other unions also come for help from leaders of our union on account of glittering prestige and shining history of assisting employees. It is under consideration to provide such type of assistance under banner of our union and in a well established manner by identifying and nominating one or two outstanding members who have adequate knowledge on service matters/disciplinary proceedings and who are interested to join this new project. We will provide various important books beside set of books of Swamy Publishers to all volunteers who join in this project. They will also receive Swamy News every month and also receive magazines of union/federation regularly. They will be nominee of our union to provide assistance to members in the matter of disciplinary cases and other service matters.
Interested volunteers may please contact us very urgently.
Please also record your suggestions or post comments.
It is requested to clear quota of Circle union latest by end of March 2011.
It is sad to note that in spite of timely reminders and request, some divisions have not even cleared quota for the previous year i.e. 2009.10.
Most of divisions have not cleared quota for the current year 2010.11
Up to 30.06.2009 :: Rs.2 per month per member to be remitted to Circle Union
From 01.07.2009 :: Rs.8 per month per member to be remitted to Circle Union
Circle Secretary and team runs faster and moves frequently to divisions/administrative offices of division/region/circle. There are different types of routine expenditure besides huge expenditure for traveling through out circle. Circle secretary has started from "zero paisa" balance w.e.f. 01.09.2010 and runs under minus balance at present and therefore urges all divisional secretaries to remit pending quota at once. You can directly credit in ICICI Bank Account No.030801510482 or send EMO.
Circle Secretary will attend both bimonthly meetings of HQ and Vadodara region scheduled on 5th and 6th April, 2011 respectively. Com. Prakash Rathod Circle President will join in the Rajkot meeting. Com.S.K.Vaishnav Asst. C/S will also join in both bimonthly meetings. Com. Chirag Rajvansh Circle Auditor will also join at HQ region's bimonthly meeting for helping C/S in discussion regarding unjustified computation of tenure at PSD Ahmedabad.
Suggestion from any member will be highly appreciated.
All representatives must come with details of pending issues of their divisions. Please also bring minutes of monthly meetings with divisional heads for last one year. A list for issues proposed to be taken at Regional/Circle level should be handed over along with brief details and relevant papers. All should ensure to have a mail ID and if not having, a new should be registered and be informed at the time of meeting.
To: You and others
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 14:51:24 +0000
To: p3chq@hotmail.com
Subject: cwc gujarat
From: rashminpurohit@rediffmail.com
CC: mkrishnan@gmail.com
a copy of notice for circle council meeting is forwarded for information
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi-110001
No.17-9/2011-GDS Dated the 21-Mar 2011
All Chief Postmaster General,
Reference is invited to this Directorate letter No.6-1/2009. PE.II dated 09 October 2009 providing for Maternity Grant to the women GDS.
2. One man Committee under Shri RS Nataraja Murti constituted under Resolution No. 6-1/2007-PE II dated 23rd July 2007 examined the system of Extra Departmental Post Offices and wage structure of Gramin Dak Sevak & submitted its report on 29th October 2008. After approval of Cabinet, the Department issued orders under No. 6-1/2009 PE II dated 09 October 2009. It was prescribed under Para 9 of the ibid that "women GDS will be provided Maternity Grant equivalent to three months TRCA with DA for the birth date of issue of the order".
3. The recommendations made by the One man Committee in Para 16.10.1have been examined further and it has been decided that Maternity Grant equal to three month's TRCA with DA out of welfare fund will be payable from the welfare fund at the disposal of the Circles effective from 09 October 2009 on fulfillment of the following conditions;-
(a) Maternity Grant will be payable to a woman GDS for each child up to the birth of maximum of two children limited to a maximum of two confinements resulting into birth of first two children only during the entire engagement of the following of a woman GDS.
(b) The women GDS must have rendered a minimum of one year service of becoming eligible for grant under the provision.
(c) No Financial Grant will be admissible for medical termination of pregnancy (abortion). Miscarriage and still births.
4. The scheme of allowing Maternity Grant is like any other ongoing welfare scheme paid out of welfare fund. Funds will be allocated for this scheme by welfare section of this Directorate to the Circles. Heads of the Division will be competent to sanction Maternity Grant to the women GDS out of welfare fund placed at their disposal by the Circle concerned.
5. Woman Gramin Dak Sevaks like Mil Deliverer and Mail Carrier may also be considered for lighter duties wherever possible during the pre and post confinement period for a maximum period of six months.
6. Woman GDS shall be granted Maternity Leave not exceeding six months covering the pre and post confinement period. For the period of Maternity Leave, Woman GDS will be paid Maternity Grant for three months and leave for another three months may be granted without allowances.
7. Existing powers of Divisional Heads for grant of leave beyond 180 days leave without allowances availed by GDS to work against in Group D and Postman vacancies would also cover period of three month Maternity Leave with allowances (Maternity Grant) and another period of leave for three months without allowances if availed by Woman GDS.
8. The contents may be brought to the knowledge of all concerned. This has the approval of the competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
No. 2(13)/2008-E.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, 4th March, 2011
Sub: Decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay commission relating to re-classification of cities/towns for grant of House Rent allowance (HRA).
The undersigned is directed to refer to para 6 of this ministry's OM of even number dated 29.08.2008 on the above mentioned subject , vide which the special dispensation for grant of HRA has been allowed to continue (i) Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Noida & Gurgaon at "X" class city rates and (ii) Jalandhar Cantt, Shillong, Goa & Port Blair at "Y" class city rates and to state that the special dispensation allowed to Panchkula for Grant of HRA at par with Chandigarh vide Finance Ministry's O.M. NO. 2(2)/2001-E.II(B) dated 16.06.2003 shall also continue.
2. In this context, it is also clarified that any other similar special dispensation allowed by the Ministry in the past in respect of other cities for grant of HRA at higher rates and not specifically mentioned in this Ministry's O.M of even number dated 29.08.2008 , shall continue to apply, if the same has not been superceded/ dispensed with or the existing classification of such city has not been revised to a higher classification on account of the population criteria, vide O.M dated 29.08.2008.
3. These orders shall be effective from 1st September 2008
4. All other conditions governing grant of HRA under existing orders shall continue to apply.
5. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
Anil Sharma
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
F. N0.12/2/2011-JCA-2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 21st March, 2011.
Subject: Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2011- Birthday of Dr.
B.R. Ambedkar.
It has been decided to declare Thursday, the 14th April 2011, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.
2. The above holiday is also being notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881).
3. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.
(Dinesh Kapila)
Director to the Government of India
Government of India
Ministry off Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 116
Dated: 8th March, 2011
Sub: Promotion and postings/transfers to the Grade of Member, Postal Services Board, Indian Postal Service, Group 'A'.
The President is pleased to order the promotion of the following officers of the Grade of Chief Postmaster General of the Indian Postal Service, to the Grade of Member, Postal services Board in the pay scale of Rs. 75500-80000/-with effect from the date of assumption of charge of the post or until further orders:-
Name of the Officer(S/Sh/Ms)
Presently Posted
Posting on promotion
Ms. P. Gopinath
Presently on deputation
Postal services Board
Col. Kamleshwar Prasad(1977)
CPMG, Bihar Circle
Member (HRD) ,Postal Services Board
Vice Maj. Gen. V. Sadasivam transferred.
2. In case the officers wish to choose the date for fixation of pay under FR-22(a) (i), they can do so with in one month from the date of assumption of charge.
3. Orders of the competent authority are also hereby conveyed for transfer/posting of the following Members, Postal services Board with immediate effect and until further orders:-
Name of the Officer
Presently Posted
Posting on transfer
Maj. Gen. V. Sadasivam(1976)
Member (HRD) Postal Services Board
Postal Services Board
4. Relevant change report may be sent in due course.
5. Hindi version will follow.
(B.P. Sridevi)
Director (Staff)
The draft legislation is aimed at upgrading the status of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), which has been functioning for the past eight years without Parliamentary approval.
"It has been approved and is likely to be introduced in the current session," a minister said after the Cabinet meeting presided over by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
In the absence of statutory status, PFRDA was performing the role of the interim regulator.
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee had sought support of the Opposition, mainly the BJP, for passage of the key pending reform bills
Source: PTI
For an entity that is in the delivery business, speed in decision-making is not a strength of the department of post. From idea to implementation, the department has taken 16 years to computerise and connect all its 155,000 branches; it's taken 10 years to enter the business of managing the movement of goods for companies. Most recently, it's taken four years just to commission a feasibility study for its biggest transformation yet, becoming a bank. In the last 15 years, as electronic modes of communication have trampled on physical forms, the department has tried to change, only to give into its worst self, and continue down the road of irrelevance and mounting losses. In 2009-10, it lost Rs 6,641 crore, on revenues of Rs 6,266 crore. In other words, to earn one rupee in revenues, it spent Rs
2. In 1997-98, it gave itself a new, contemporary and meaningful identity: India Post.
Except it never carried through that exercise the way it could have and it sometimes even promised to. Several global logistics powerhouses have approached it for a partnership, but are left shrugging their shoulders. "We don't know what India Post wants," says a senior executive of a global logistics firm that is waiting on India Post for four business proposals made to it two years ago. "Dealing with them demands a great deal of patience due to the slow decision-making."The ultra-slow decision-making is compounded by ultra-fast personnel movement at the top. In the last 11 years, India Post has had six chiefs. "The department is a victim of its age," says BN Som, who headed it between 1998 and 2000. "It has failed to maintain continuity of vision under successive leadership." A proposal in one chief's tenure tends to lose steam in another's. In a world that started and ended with it, this wouldn't be catastrophe. But in a world where it is competing against private players, and is punching below its weight, time is running out for India Post. And it doesn't have a big plan or an overriding sense of purpose to turn this red ship around. Radhika Doraiswamy, the current captain of the ship, is looking to technology to cut costs and push new business initiatives. "Riding on technology, we hope to become a self-sustaining organisation by 2013-14," says the current secretary-posts & director-general of the Postal Services Board. It's a statement that clings to hope and numbers the department has never achieved before. John Samuel, general manager–business development, shows a growth-projection sheet that calls the department to grow at a multiple of its historic rate. For example, in the business post segment, it projects 40% a year growth till 2013-14, against 15% and 20% in the last two years, respectively. Even the government, which makes good the department's deficit every year, doesn't see a turnaround. Budget 2011 has put aside Rs 5,108 crore for India Post for 2011-12. And in 2010-11, it overshot what the government had budgeted for it by 2,300 crore.
Money Disorder
About 90% of its expenses go towards salaries of its 475,000 employees in 155,000 branches. It can't, the department says, shut down commercially unviable branches because there is an India that uses these services and can't afford to pay commercial rates. At one level, it's a plausible argument. At another, it's a fig leaf. Sure, the business of post offices is about meeting a social obligation. But though this part of the business, stamps, unregistered and registered letters, and money orders, brings in only 20% of revenues, it uses up most of the workforce. And mostly, unproductively; collectively, these employees could be doing a lot more. The challenge for a post office is to make employees do more through businesses that have synergies with postal services, but run on commercial terms. Essentially, use the surplus in the commercial businesses to bridge the postal deficit. Post offices around the world have branched out into logistics services, financial services and banking to turn profitable. For example, Deutsche Post in Germany, Australia Post and New Zealand Post, to name just three. It's what India Post also has been trying to do, in fits and starts, for the last 15 years. But it has delivered either moderate successes or stillborn failures. At about Rs 2,000 crore, the delivery business accounted for just 30% of India Post's revenues in 2009-10. It's had a headstart of decades in the delivery business. Its reach is a multiple of that of all private players combined. Yet, its market share in the Rs 15,000 crore domestic delivery business (letters, parcels and logistics) is just 20%. That's partly due to its late entry and partly due to its stiffness in operations. For example, its delivery business is sliced into three services: ordinary post, registered post and speed post. The last, speed post, is a premium service, akin to private courier. Yet, its tariff for packets weighing up to 50 gram is fixed at Rs 25, whatever the destination.Snail Mail It loses out both ways. On short distances, where private players charge below Rs 25, it loses out on business. On long distances, where private players charge way above Rs 25, it loses out on revenues. "The department is plagued by its inability to comprehend that things can be achieved through a business mindset," says SC Mahalik, who headed the department between 1994 and 1996.The eternal delay in computerisation and networking is the product of such a mindset. At present, only 8,000 of its 155,000 branches are inter-linked. The rest function as islands, hooking up only physically. It's only last year that India Post asked Accenture to hook up all its branches and this is expected to happen by late-2012. Even after the technology connections are finalised, employees will have to be trained. "Technology will only be productive when it is leveraged to harness its immense outreach to underserved areas, says Gautam Bhardwaj, managing director, Invest India Economic Forum, who was part of a committee on postal reforms in 2009. "Otherwise, such large infrastructure is like a hospital without patients." Mahalik first initiated the technology push in 1994. But he retired in 1996, and the plan went cold. Som revived it in 1998, but again it went cold. Similarly, India Post is late in the three businesses it has identified for revenue jumps to post a turnaround by 2013-14.
The big one is logistics — managing the movement of goods for companies. The idea was floated about a decade ago, but launched only in 2007-08. "Better late than never," says Samuel. This is currently a Rs 50 crore business for India Post and it is looking to increase it to Rs 1,000 crore by 2013-14. "We hope to utilise our spare capacities and bring it to optimal levels," says Samuel.
It has an impressive client roster: Godrej, Coca-Cola, ITC, Dalmia Cement, P&G and Cadbury, among others. For example, it distributes Godrej's Chotu Kool refrigerator in rural Maharashtra. P&G used it to distribute products in rural Uttarakhand and Pawan Hans to ship helicopter parts. However, an official from one client told us, on conditions of anonymity, that its arrangement was only short-term.Som is sceptical about India Post's logistics offering. "Why should clients come to you when your means of delivery of larger consignments is the same as those for mails and letters," he asks. "It (logistics post) is nothing but a superficial tweaking of old processes, infrastructure without building a serious expertise behind it," adds a former India Post official. All this places a question mark on the 20-fold increase in revenues in three years the department is targeting.The second big revenue mulitplier it is looking at is 'global business division', which delivers letters and goods outside India. Set up two years ago, it is a Rs 100 crore business, with a target of Rs 310 crore for 2013-14, which again means a rapid scale up. At present, the division is forging international tie-ups. "We are picking up cues from global postal services," says Doraiswamy The one business that India Post has grown well is 'business post' — a dedicated mailing facility for corporates. So, for example, India Post picks up a company's annual reports from the press. It has the list of the company's shareholders and it ships the reports to them. Doing work like this, it posted revenues of Rs 721 crore in 2009-10 and expects to cross Rs 1,000 crore this year. It has about 340 points of contact, 100 of which are housed in company premises.
Revenue Stamps Even if these initiatives grow well, they won't erase the Rs 6,000 crore deficit. In all the transformational talk, what's conspicuously missing are the big ideas. "The postal service has no idea of the kind of assets it is sitting on," says Mahalik.
Like setting up a bank. By current numbers, it would have five times as many branches as SBI, the pole sitter. About 45% of India Post's revenues already come from earning a spread on its postal savings float and from commission earned by selling small savings schemes. A bank is a natural extension. "it has the reach, but not the expertise," says Parveen Kumar Anand, executive director, Punjab & Sind Bank.
Another example is the department's land holdings. Besides its spacious post offices, it has about 1,800 plots, totalling about 500 acres – about one-tenth the size of Noida. "Many plots are in prime locations," says Mahalik, who had recommended selling or leasing out this space. Another proposal is to move its administrative offices, which are mostly in prime locations, to cheaper suburbs, as UK did. Its headquarters in Delhi, Dak Bhawan, is a six-floor, 25,000 sq m building in the heart of the capital. "It can fetch a sale value of Rs 700-800 crore or an annual rental of Rs 60-75 crore," says the head of a real estate consultancy, not wanting to be named. Satish Kaushal, executive director–government services, Ernst & Young, says the department needs to encourage public-private partnerships, especially for remote areas. "Revenues can be generated by asking private companies to leverage India Post's infrastructure," he says. "You can even develop financial solutions."
Where's the Postmaster?
It comes down to taking decisions, which neither the political nor the bureaucratic leadership have shown an inclination to. India Post comes under the ministry of IT & communications. "Posts is too low brow," says Bhardwaj of IIEF. "It lacks the glamour of telecom for a minister's consistent interest."
A member of one of the reform committees says bureaucrats haven't pushed enough. "There's no financial accountability on the bureaucrat. So, nobody wants to rock the boat," he says. Som, who has worked under two ministers, says the onus lies on the secretary. "Ministers are what bureaucrats make them," he says. "I have always had full attention from my political bosses."
Globally, the focal point of postal reform has been privatisation (Deutsche Post and British Post) or corporatisation (US Postal Service and Australia Post). "As of now, there's no proposal for corporatisation," says Doraiswamy, but she doesn't rule it out.
A high-ranking India Post official says a mid-way model is being discussed. It envisages the department floating subsidiaries through special purpose vehicles. Each of these — for example, postal services, banking, and insurance — can function as independent business units. "They subsidiaries can generate their own funds, invite private participation, draw out their own strategy, and enjoy greater freedom," he says.
As it waits, India Post is drifting into ignominy. Till 1985, there used to be a department of posts and telegraph. It was then split into three. Telecom regulation was given to the department of telecom, which has presided over, if not abetted, a corrupt licencing regime.The telecom operations were hived off into a company called BSNL, which was once flourishing, but today has cash for just one more year. The postal operations were retained by the department, and it is on its way to becoming the next BSNL. Unless it takes some decisions. Quickly
Source: Economic Times Dt. 07.03.11.
Regarding Economic Times feature on India Post dated 8/3/11.
Many of staff and officers contacted Postal Directorate about a special feature on India Post in the Economic Times dated 7 March 2011. The Following few points may put the records straight: First about deficit. It is true that during last two years, the expenditure has increased. That is mainly due to establishment cost going up on account of implementation of recommendations of Pay Commission. This is true of all Government departments whether in public service or not. In regard to revenue of the Department, the two main sources of revenue, tariff for mail and remuneration for savings bank are administered. Secondly about technology. It is true that post office computerization started nearly fifteen years back. But the compurerisation was incremental and on standalone basis. A project to computerize and network all post offices by 2012-13 is under implementation. That will provide a platform for new services including extensive financial services, e-commerce and joint products from various corporate. Thirdly about Post Bank. This Department has got a report from consultant in this regard which is under processing. It may be mentioned, till last year RBI did not show any inclination for issuing banking licenses. Further to make post office an effective banking outlet, one needs to have networking and specialized banking package which is under implementation now. Fourthly about structure of the organization, leadership and continuity. There are as many corporatized post offices who have failed as of those which succeeded. In this regard continuity of vision and ability to transform is important. But that is not necessarily one top person centric. Leadership at all levels with a committed group for transformation is required. That is what we have been aiming at for managing this change.
Source: www.indiapost.gov.in
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Circle Secretary has to attend divisions for understanding any problems or stalemate with administration. Our goal is not to struggle and fight out against unlikely situations all the time. Time has totally changed. Our first step has to be in favour of establishing harmony coherence and affirmative atmosphere in every division. We are also supposed to contribute our best ability for extending support to the administration for ensuring high quality of services to public and smooth administration for implementation of various plans and achievement of targets because after all the department has to survive, progress and stand in top.
As and when there is any communication break stuck between local administration and the divisional leaders, our task should be to assemble, discuss and force love, friendliness and transparent relation between them. No one of us is destined to suppress or hurt each other.
In Surendranagar division also, there were some minor gaps in communication with administration which were required to be filled up harmonically. Circle Secretary visited Bhaktinagar Rajkot on 18.03.2011 in connection with a Farewell ceremony or retired employees. Com.P.J.Rana Senior Comrade of Surendranagar division who is also Circle Vice President was also fortunately present at Rajkot. We suggested him to proceed to Surendranagar and accordingly C/S accompanied by Com.S.T.Teraiya Circle President P.IV( also Vice President CHQ N.Delhi), Com.S.K.Vaishnav Asst. C/S and Com.P.J.Rana Circle Vice President visited Surendranagar and met Shri. B.R.Gohil SPO Surendranagar. Com.B.G.Solanki D/S P.III and Com.Devayatbhai a senior leader of GDS Union also joined us.
It was very pleasant to be with Shri.B.R.Gohil SPO who is very co operative, straight forward and plain in what he says. We are touched by his hospitality and constructive approach. Generally there should be no major problems where such officer works. In fact there were no real problems at Surendranagar also and some confusions were prevailing which were cleared and it is in no doubt that Union and Administration in this division will positively support each other and become a top division by achieving various targets.
I convey special thanks to Shri. B.R.Gohil for his lovely nature and positive response given to all of us.
CWC/Circle Council Meeting at Dakor on 27.03.2011
Federated with the “National Federation of Postal Employees”
Gujarat Circle
No. Circle Council /Meeting/2011 March 11, 2011
It is to notify under Article 31 of the Constitution of All India Postal Employees Union Group ‘C’, that the Circle Council Meeting of AIPEU Group ’C’ (restricted to Vadodara region) will be held at Ambavadi Pathikashram, beside Gomti river, Dakor a\b]]v]]zI p]iT]k]Û]m], g]om]t]I n]dI n]e ikn]]re, z]kor on Sunday 27.03.2011 at 09.00 a.m. to transact the following items on the agenda. Com. P.R.Rathod, Circle President will preside over the meeting.
- To read and approve minutes of last meeting.
- To review financial position of Circle Union.
- Review of organizational potency.
- Review of communication and coordination structure between Circle/Divisional union and members.
- To discuss problems in each division.
- Any other item with permission of the chair.
Circle Secretary
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
- Com.P.R.Rathod, Circle President at Bhavnagar.
- Com.K.V.Shridharan General Secretary (CHQ) at New Delhi
- Hon.Chief PMG, Guj. Circle. Ahd.- with request for action for grant of SplCL to Circle Office bearers and Divisional Secretaries of Vadodara region.
- Hon.PMG Vadodara.
- All Circle Office Bearers/Divisional Secretaries of Vadodara region.
- Com.K.B.Barot Ex.C/S and Com.S.S.Vaishya Ex.Treasurer
- they are heartily invited to remain present and steer the meeting.
‘mangalam’,Near Kadia boarding, Behind HPO Gandhigram, Junagadh 362 001. Mob.9427208408 9723666696 Email: rashminpurohit@rediffmail.com Web: http/aipeugujarat.blogspot.com
Circle Council meeting of AIPEU P.IV was held at ArogyaDham, Jamnagar on 06.03.2011. C/S attended the meeting which was graced by presence of Com.K.B.Barot Ex.C/S and Com.S.S.Vaishya Ex.Circle Treasurer. Com.S.K.Vaishnav Asst.C/S P.III, Com.S.T.Teraiya Circle President P.IV,Com.R.S.Malek C/S P.IV, Com.Ashaben Joshi C/S AIPEDEU, Com.A.V.Nikola D/S AIPEU Jamnagar and several other leaders were present. The Circle Secretary addressed the meeting and requested all representatives of all wings of NFPE to remain united, struggle united and always support staff/members against any injustice. Com.Barot stated that Jamnagar is his Dixa and Shixa bhumi as he started his lessons from Jamnagar. He recalled memories of old days and struggle of those days. The meeting was quite successful as so many issues concerning to Postman and Group D staff were maturely discussed.
Divisional Conference of AIPEDE Union Jamnagar was held at Kunvarbai Dharmashala on 13.03.2011
C/S visited this conference with Com.S.K.Vaishnav Asst.C/S P.III and com.S.T.Teraiya Circle President P.IV. Com.Bhagiratsinhji Jadeja Vice President (CHQ) and Circle President AIPEDEU was Chief Guest and main speaker of the house. Com.Ashaben Joshi C/S AIPEDEU is also D/S of this division who made excellent arrangements. Leaders of other unions like BSNL also attended this meeting. It was very nice to see so many comrades from P.III attending this house including retired comrades like Com.P.J.Joshi.
From Jamnagar, C/S rushed to Vadodara on 14.03.11 for meeting with Hon.PMG on Amreli issue as well as certain problems in some divisions like Valsad of Vadodara region in connection with MACP where neither previous remarks were upgreaded nor any decision was conveyed to staff and they are devoid of MACP. This will be a difficult issue for Circle union to resolve. We will discuss this issue at the time of CWC/Circle Council meeting at Dakor on 27.03.11. As Hon.PMG had gone to Circle Office, Ahmedabad we had to go there and meet him. It was very lucky that SPO Amreli was also available for attending a meeting. Com.Rashmin Purohit C/S P.III, Shri.R.N.Parmar C/S NAPE III, Com.S.T.Teraiya Circle President P.IV and Com.R.S.Malek C/S P.IV jointly attended this meeting. Friends, C/S looks to a future where other union also leave enmity and positively join us for common problems of out suppressed staff members. A frank, straight forward and healthy discussion was held and details are confidential so not published on this blog.
Meeting with worried innocent staff of Ahmedabad GPO on 15.03.2011:
Met staff who are worried in connection with fraud case of Ahmedabad GPO. Friends, this is the most pitiful condition when we have done nothing wrong but we are in trouble because of our minor lacuna, exaggeration of trust on Agent treating them as close as co workers and off course due to overall poor management of an office. Our union will extend full help, guidance and support to those employees who have not indulged in to any intentional malpractice and who are sufferers only because of unintentional errors. We know that there are so many mysteries in the pot of Ahmedabad GPO as earlier stated in this blog. Pot is not broken but some cracks are there and certain things are spreading. we are interested to protect our innocent staff.
Main new issues to be taken in discussion:
Provision of cold and pure drinking water in all big offices:
Pure and cold drinking water is not a luxury but staff as well as public attending our office must be facilitated with pure and cold water as a basic amenity. some Arrow project offices are also suffering lack of this facility.
Recovery of amounts of Minus Balance from staff:
All efforts for recovery from depositor concerned should be made before imposing recovery on staff. If any other accounts are in the name of concerned depositors, it should be frigged. Divisional heads should be advised not to be harsh and hasty on staff.
Tenure for PSD Ahmedabad should be four years instead of two years:
It is not justified to restrict tenure exclusively for staff working at PSD Ahmedabad for two years whereas in all other PSDs also the tenure is four years.
Any Divisional Secretary/member want to suggest any item should consult Circle Secretary and for Rajkot region, Com.S.K.Vaishnav Asst. C/S should be contacted on his mob No.94081 87996
Friday, March 18, 2011
Dear Comrade,
The subcommittee constituted by the National Anomaly Committee to go into the anomalies in respect of MACP issues met at New Delhi on 15th Inst. Com. S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation attended the meeting as a member. The following is the outcome of discussion at the meeting.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
Given below is the Record note on the meeting of Joint Committee on MACP held on 15.03.2011.
The third meeting of joint committee on MACP was held today i.e 15.03.2011. This meeting was held at the specific request by the Secretary Staff Side, National Council JCM to review the decision taken in the earlier meetings in which all items had been discussed.
Item Nos. 1,3,8,9 and 29: Grant of financial up-gradation in the promotional hierarchy instead of grade pay hierarchy under MACP Scheme
The Staff Side pressed this demand on the ground that the ACP 1999 had become a service condition in respect of all those who were in service as on 31st August 2008. The MACP Scheme being less advantageous could not be imposed upon them. They stated that to resolve this anomaly, the first 2 ACPs may be continued in the promotional hierarchy to be granted after 12 and 24 years of service from the date of induction, the third ACP on completion of 30 years service may be in the grade pay hierarchy. The official Side did not agree with this proposal. The Staff Side then pointed out that the introduction of MACP Scheme in grade pay hierarchy 10, 20, 30 years of service from the date of induction will result that certain cadres would be placed in the grade pay which are not sanctioned in the structure of the departments and therefore it can not be treated as career progression at all. The official Side wanted the particulars of those cadres which are going to face this problem, so that they could consider how to overcome such anomalies. The Staff Side agreed to provide the necessary information and departments concerned may also be asked to provide such information.
Item Nos. 2, 10 and 48:
The Staff Side also pressed for introducing MACP Scheme with effect from 1.1.2006 so that those who did not get any benefit under old ACP could at least get the MACP scheme benefit before their retirement during the period from 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008. The Official Side stated that this item has been closed and concluded and can not be allowed to be opened / reviewed. The Staff Side then stated that they would like to raise this issue in the meeting of National Anomaly Committee as the joint Committee on MACP Scheme is sub committee of the National Anomaly Committee. The Official Side stated that this may be raised as afresh item in the National Anomaly Committee.
The Staff Side also wanted that the option to choose ACP or MACP should be given to the individual employees and not the Department. The Official Side also did not agree to reopen this issue which has been concluded in the last meeting.
Item No. 57: Ignoring the placement of Artisans of Ministry of Defence from HS grade II to HS grade I for the purpose of MACP Scheme.
The Staff Side pointed out that this restructuring by keeping 50% of Artisans in the HS grade I and placing 50% in the HS grade II was by way of placement and therefore it could not be treated as promotion. The Staff Side cited Supreme Court ruling to this effect. However the Official Side did not agree with this. The case of restructuring in IA & AD in 1984 and in organized accounts were also cited in which it was clearly stated that those who are in the higher grade would be treated as placement only those who are promoted later on against vacancies would be treated as promotion. The official Side view was that only in those cases where the entire cadre is placed in the higher pay scale it would not be treated as promotion. This matter will also have to be raised in the meeting of National Anomaly Committee.
Items Nos. 11, 15, 22, 39, 47 and 51: Promotion in identical Grade Pay.
The decision that the normal promotions are in the same grade pay, they cannot be ignored for purpose of MACP Scheme and the specific cases would be examined separately.
Item Nos. 12, 30 and 49: Employees appointed limited competitive examination from lower to higher post may treated as direct recruits in the higher post ignoring the service in the lower posts.
The matter is still being considered with reference to old ACP scheme clarification.
Item Nos. 13, 32, 38, 44, 50 and 58: Counting of old service in the new establishments for the purpose off MACP. And Item Nos. 21, 27, and 28: Benchmark for financial up gradation under MACP.
Orders have been issued on 1.11.2010.
It was agreed that action taken statement would be finalized and circulated so that further discussion thereon can take place in the meeting of National Anomaly Committee.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi 110 108
No.Misc.6024/2007/CGHS (Hq)/CGHS(P) Dated March 16,2011
Office Memorandum
Subject: Clarifications regarding validity of individual Plastic Cards at all CGHS Wellness Centres in the Country.
The undersigned is directed to draw attention to the para E (6) of Office Memorandum of even number dated 30th December, 2009, wherein it was mentioned that after computerization of all CGHS covered cities the plastic Cards will be valid in all CGHS cities in India and there will be no need for obtaining temporary attachment while on a visit to another CGHS City.
2. In response to representations received from CGHS beneficiaries seeking clarifications, it has now been decided to further clarify that:
"Now that computerization of all CGHS covered cities has been completed the plastic Cards are valid in all CGHS cities in India and there is no need for obtaining temporary attachment while on a visit to another CGHS City. Since, the data is available online CGHS beneficiaries are permitted to obtain medicines (including indented medicines) from any Wellness Centre located in the same city, where the card is registered or from any Wellness Centre located in any other CGHS city while on a visit (Official as well as personal)."
3. The other contents of the Office Memorandum of even number dated 30th December 2009 remains unchanged.
Tel:011-2306 3483
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi-110001.
Dated the 10, March.2011
All Chief Postmaster General.
Subject: Revised Pattern and Syllabus for Departmental Examination in respect of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants.
I am directed to say that existing pattern and syllabus for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination to fill up the vacancies in the grade of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant and that of direct recruitment of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant has since been reviewed. It has been decide with the approval of competent Authority to revise the pattern and syllabus of the examination as indicated in the Annexure. The examination will be held without the aid of books.
2. It is requested that the revised Syllabus may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
3. The date for holding the examination will be communicated separately.
4. There will be no change in the pattern and syllabus for MMS Assistants, Foreign Post Assistants, RLO Assistants, Stores Depot Assistants and CO/RO Assistants. The existing pattern of examination will continue to be followed.
Encl. As above
Yours faithfully
(Raj Bala Singh)
Section Officer (SPB-II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel 8 Training)
Establishment (D)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 11.03.2011
Sub: Procedure to be observed by t h e Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) - Model Calendar for DPCs and related matters - Regarding.
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.04.1989 containing consolidated instructions on DPCs. These instructions inter-alia provide that the DPCs should be convened at regular intervals (by laying down a time-schedule for this purpose) to draw panels which could be utilised for making promotions against the vacancies occurring during the course of a year. This enjoins upon the concerned authorities to initiate action to fill up the existing as well as anticipated vacancies well in advance of the expiry of the, previous panel by collecting relevant documents like Seniority List, Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs), etc. for placing before the DPCs.
2. The above instructions have been reiterated vide this Department's O.M.
No.22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dated 8.9.1998. In these instructions, it has been further stated that delays in promotions result in considerable frustrations amongst the officers, thereby adversely affecting their morale and overall productivity. As a remedial measure, it has been suggested that all Ministries/Departments provide for a time schedule for convening DPCs. A time schedule for convening DPCs was prescribed with the objective of ensuring that the prepared panel is utilized as and when the vacancy arises during the course of the vacancy year. It has been prescribed that in all cases requiring approval of ACC, administrative action for convening DPCs is initiated at least 8 1/2 months before the commencement of the vacancy year and that DPCs are held at least 4 months before the commencement of the vacancy year. In other cases where approval of ACC
is not required, it has been prescribed that DPCs should be held at least two months before the commencement of the vacancy year. A model calendar was also prescribed for DPCs. It was expected that this time frame will be followed in letter and spirit for all DPCs.
3. Instances have come to the notice of this Department where DPCs are not being held in advance of the vacancy year as per the prescribed schedule. Delays in holding DPCs not only affect the manpower planning in various Ministries/Departments, but also impede the career progression across the Board. Administrative delays in holding of DPCs have been viewed adversely by the Courts and is the main reason for litigation before CAT and various High Courts.
4. Non-adherence to time frame of DPCs is a matter of serious concern to the
Government. Hence, all concerned cadre controlling authorities are once again
counselled to ensure strict adherence to the model calendar for the DPCs as circulated vide this Department's O.M. dated 8.9.1998. Wherever DPCs are yet to be held for the vacancies arising in the year 201 1-2012, the same may be completed by 31.3.2011 and for future vacancy years, the time frame referred to in Para 2 above may be strictly complied with.
.5. All Ministries/Departments are also advised to immediately nominate an officer of the level of Joint Secretary as the designated authority for ensuring timely holding of DPCs and to certify adherence to the model calendar for all DPCs in the
Ministries/ Departments.
6. Hindi version will follow.
(Smita Kumar)
Director (Establishment-I)
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(DE Section)
Amendment to Rule 2 of Appendix No 37 Postal Manual Volume-IV
Amendment to note below Rule 2 of Appendix No. 37 Rule relating to Departmental Examinations, Part-I General Postal Manual Volume IV.
2. Note below Rule 2 of Appendix 37 of P&T Manual Volume –IV may be read as under:
"The advance notice of a minimum period of 40 days should ordinarily be given for every departmental examination"
No. A-34020/12/2011-DE dated 04.03.2011
(L Mohan Rao)
Dear Comrade,
The sub committee constituted by the National Anomaly Committee tolook into the issues concerning the MACP is scheduled to meet on 15thMarch, 2011. Com. S.K. Vyas, President, Confederation will attend themeeting as a member of the Committee.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty.Secretary General
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
313, 'D' Wing, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi -110108
Email: so2ms-mohfw@nic.in
Dated: 11th January,2011
Sub: Delegation of powers of Head of Department to Head of Office for settling permission cases and post facto approval to reimbursement in relaxation of rules in emergent cases under CGHS/CS (MA) Rules, 1944.
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to para (ii) of this Ministry's Office Memorandum NO.S.14012/9/75-MC (MS) dated 18.06.1982, as mentioned at point 4 under Appendix-VIII of CS (MA) Rules, 1944 relating to reimbursement in relaxation of rules in emergent cases, which stipulates that powers for settling permission cases and post facto approval should not be exercised by authorities lower than Heads of Departments.
2. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has examined the question of further delegation of powers to Head of Offices/officers at Under Secretary level, in such offices, which are not headed by officers equivalent to a Deputy Secretary, in the matter and it has been decided with the approval of the competent authority to delegate such powers in the following manner:-
"In case of medical reimbursement, delegation of power can be given to Under Secretaries in the Departments of Central Government declared as Heads of Offices subject to the condition that upto Rs. two thousand for taking treatment in OPD and upto Rs. Five thousand for taking treatment in IPD under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, 1944. This delegation of powers can be exercised as per the prescribed rate list of nearest CGHS covered city or actual whichever is lower for CS (MA} beneficiaries and as per package rate for CGHS beneficiaries in CGHS cities."
3. This order is applicable to both CGHS and CS(MA) beneficiaries.
4. This Office Memorandum issues with the approval of Ministry of Finance vide 10 No 14(1)/E.IIA/2010 dated 06.07.2010.
(Sanjay Pant)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
A bench of justices Dalveer Bhandari and Deepak Verma sought response from the Union Cabinet Secretary and respective Chief Secretaries on the petition jointly filed by 83 former bureaucrats through counsel Menaka Guruswamy.
"There is an urgent need to make the civil servants accountable, sensitive and responsive. If this is achieved, there will be across-the-spectrum benefits. At present, the system of transfers, postings, promotions, disciplinary action and other personnel matters pertaining to the higher civil services are ad-hoc and non-transparent.
Source: PTI
India's expansion of telephone services — the number of telephone subscribers increased from 76.54 million in 2004 to 764.77 million in November 2010 — and the growth of broadband are important developments that could further eat into the letter-post. Against this backdrop, the ePost Office, through which customers can carry out some basic services such as Money Order transactions, marks the beginning of what could be a new chapter for India Post. Its agreement with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to work more closely in socio-economic areas with the provider of unique identity ID cards will be watched with interest round the world. An excellent way of strengthening India Post's finances would be to build on its biggest strength — as the world's largest postal network whose reach extends to all households in the country — and take a range of services closer to Indian residents: financial services and insurance products, for a start. Optimism over economic growth offers India Post an opportunity to correct its deficit-ridden balance sheets and also play a larger role in development by strengthening business-to-business and business-to-consumer segments. Making this change — while maintaining its key public service role as a provider of affordable services for a country of a billion-plus people — is the strategic challenge facing India Post.
The Hindu March: 07, 2011