There are so many problems in every divisions coming out of process of application of technology and total computerisation. The problems may be on any of the following reasons:
non availibility of sufficient number of Printers/PCs
non availibility of spare printers etc.
for want of licensed antivirus.
systems laying irreparable but not condemned as per proceedure.
non availibility of history sheets.
systems reparable but divisional heads not attending to problems.
system administrators remain overburden and unable to solve problems in time
well known problems in our softwares
no reimbursement of fuel charges actually incurred by SAs in goint to local offices
any other reasons
I request all Divisional Secretaries and System administrators of all divisions to give me feedback about their experience, suggestions and point of representation which we may take up with higher authorities. Details of each division with particular type of problems, particular office and other specific details be given to me to enable to represent in right way with concrete examples. I will invite some of SAs to directly interact with administration.
Circle Secretary