There were certain issues requiring dialogue with Divisional Administration in Amreli Division. Amreli HO is now modernized under Project Arrow. This is a scope for improvement by vice – a –versa communication between the Post Master and Staff. It also comes in to the notice that there is also acute need of new computer systems, printers and allied accessories. The Postmen staff also made tenderness from their supervisory staff. The problems are not so big and ultimately administration and staff has to work in one line by providing better public services and increase the revenue. The S/Shri Sharad Terraiya the organizing Secretary CHQ and Circle President P4, Rashmin Purohit Circle Secretary P3 & S K Vaishnav Asst. Circle Secretary accompanied by M P Mamgloriya D/S P3 & G T Gondiya D/S P4 visited on 11-10-2010 to meet SPO’s Amreli Division in due monthly meeting and discussed the issues at length. The response of administration was very cordial. One Shri S P Dave retired Dy. PM Amreli HO met the leaders of the union and it was sad to know that his retirement benefits including DCRG and commuted value of pension, worth Rs. 7-8 lacks, were stopped by the Department, without any written orders served to the official. The matter was also represented before Hon’ble SPO’s and he assured to look in to positively.